
Will Creation Services

What Is a Will?

Will is a written declaration by a person about his wishes for all the matters such as distributing his / her properties, assets, wealth to family, relatives, outsiders, charities etc. after their death, to be made in the presence of two witnesses.

What is the benefit of preparing the will?

Preparing a will ensures that all your assets and properties are distributed and disposed of as per your wishes after your death avoiding disputes or legal interference in the family. Also, if you wish to give more share to some of your relatives/heirs and want to ensure that certain person should not get any of your assets and properties, then will is the only effective document to do the same. For example – if one wishes to donate organs, give flat to wife, give more / less to any particular son/daughter, give some amount to parents or also care taker / friend etc., such wishes can be mentioned in a Will which shall be binding to all – family, relatives, all laws, all courts including the Supreme Court of India.

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